MedAdher – A Disease Control and Reporting App

MedAdher is a mobile application designed to improve disease management and control for tuberculosis (TB) and HIV. The app empowers healthcare professionals to monitor patient adherence to prescribed medication regimens and provides valuable insights into treatment outcomes. By leveraging a digital solution, MedAdher aims to enhance patient compliance, optimize treatment efficacy, and ultimately contribute to disease eradication efforts.
MedAdher App Development
App Design & Development, UX/UI Design, Strategy
Healthcare / Disease Control

The Challenge

Tuberculosis and HIV are significant public health concerns that require strict medication adherence for successful treatment outcomes. However, ensuring that patients follow their medication schedules can be challenging. The goal was to develop an app that simplifies this process, allowing healthcare providers to track patient adherence in real-time, report on medication outcomes, and provide reminders and support to patients.

The key challenges were:

  • Adherence Monitoring: Developing a system that effectively tracks and reports medication adherence.
  • Outcome Reporting: Creating a feature that enables medical personnel to view and analyze patient treatment outcomes.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designing an intuitive interface that is accessible for both medical professionals and patients, ensuring easy navigation and data entry.
  • Security and Privacy: Ensuring the app complies with healthcare regulations for data security and patient confidentiality.

The Solution

Mike Bruce Design was tasked with designing and developing MedAdher to meet these challenges. We approached the project with a comprehensive strategy that involved the following steps:

  1. User Research & Analysis:
    We started by conducting extensive research with healthcare professionals and patients to understand their needs and pain points. This helped us gather insights on the essential features needed, such as medication tracking, reporting capabilities, and user-friendly design for different levels of digital literacy.
  2. Strategy Development:
    Based on our findings, we developed a strategy that focused on creating a seamless user experience while ensuring robust functionality. Our approach prioritized patient adherence monitoring, easy navigation for medical personnel, and detailed reporting for treatment outcomes.
  3. UX/UI Design:
    We designed a clean, intuitive interface that allows healthcare providers to quickly access patient records, monitor medication schedules, and report outcomes. Key features include:
    • Adherence Calendar: A visual calendar that tracks patient medication adherence in real-time, providing daily, weekly, and monthly views.
    • Outcome Dashboard: A feature that displays treatment outcomes and progress, indicating whether conditions like tuberculosis are responding to treatment.
    • Notifications and Reminders: Automated alerts to remind patients to take their medication and update healthcare personnel on patient status.
  4. App Development:
    We developed the app using agile methodologies, ensuring flexibility to incorporate feedback and improvements throughout the process. The app was built with a secure backend system to handle sensitive patient data, complying with all relevant healthcare regulations.
  5. Testing and Iteration:
    Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure the app's functionality, security, and usability. We carried out several iterations based on feedback from beta testing with healthcare providers and patients, refining the app to better meet user needs.

The Results

The MedAdher app successfully launched and received positive feedback from both healthcare professionals and patients. Key outcomes include:

  • Improved Adherence: The visual calendar and automated reminders significantly increased patient adherence to medication schedules.
  • Enhanced Monitoring: Medical personnel can now easily track patient progress and quickly intervene when adherence issues are detected.
  • Actionable Insights: The outcome dashboard provides valuable insights into patient progress, helping healthcare providers make informed decisions regarding treatment plans.
  • Compliance and Security: The app meets all healthcare data security standards, ensuring patient information is kept confidential and secure.


The development of the MedAdher app demonstrates Mike Bruce Design's expertise in healthcare technology and digital solutions. By combining strategic planning, user-focused design, and robust development, we created an effective tool that supports healthcare professionals in managing patient care and contributes to the global fight against tuberculosis and HIV. MedAdher is a testament to our commitment to designing solutions that address real-world challenges, improve patient outcomes, and support public health initiatives.

For more information about this project or to discuss how we can help with your digital needs, please contact us.